Interested municipalities can apply to participate in a 5-year project to pilot the use of golf carts on select roads in their communities.
For articulating volunteerism through action, Tiffany Li is a deserving recipient of Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition ...
Ce programme triennal créera plus de 200 000 places nouvelles et modernisées pour les élèves afin de répondre aux pressions croissantes dues aux inscriptions en Alberta.
Greenhouse sweet bell peppers are a high impact superior product primarily grown in 3 colours; red, yellow and orange. No matter what the final colour of the pepper, all sweet peppers start out green ...
Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on using artificial intelligence. See the AISearch fact sheet for more information.
Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on using artificial intelligence. See the AISearch fact sheet for more information. 67% of ...
Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on using artificial intelligence. See the AISearch fact sheet for more information.
This 3-year program will create more than 200,000 new and modernized student spaces to address Alberta’s growing enrolment pressures. Alberta’s population is growing exponentially as more people from ...
The diversity of wildlife in Alberta surpasses that in many other Canadian jurisdictions. Resident wild species can range from ants and antelope to walleye and whiskeyjacks, and includes naturally ...
The Alberta Public Service works to deliver a vast array of programs and services to meet the needs of Albertans. We offer a variety of benefits, rewarding and diverse career opportunities, and make a ...
Dutch Elm Disease Awareness Week is recognized annually throughout Alberta from June 22 to 28. Read our Agri-News article: Help protect Alberta’s beautiful elm trees. The Society To Prevent Dutch Elm ...
By mastering a trade, you'll gain transferable skills that make you in-demand and essential to businesses of all shapes and sizes across Alberta’s vibrant and expanding economy. These skills are in ...