More than 3,200 family members and current Bucknell students are expected to participate in activities throughout the weekend ...
NBC News Washington correspondent Yamiche Alcindor will open the 2024-25 Bucknell Forum series on Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 7:30 p ...
John Bravman, a highly respected academic leader and distinguished professor of engineering, became the 17th president of Bucknell University on July 1, 2010. Under his leadership, the University has ...
On-campus services are offered when the University is in session. Service times and locations are listed below. You'll also find information about special events, Christmas Candlelight and ...
Bucknell University's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides confidential no-cost consulting and educational workshops to individuals throughout central Pennsylvania. The SBDC gives ...
Colson Whitehead, the 14th Janet Weis Fellow in Contemporary Letters, delivered public remarks on the evening of Sept. 9 in ...
Where would you like to go? Bucknell offers a wide variety of programs abroad that will fit your academic schedule and your travel interests. Experience a new culture, learn a language and reconsider ...
Mortgage Guarantee Program The University will guarantee mortgage loans made by local banks for the purchase of a primary residence in the Lewisburg area up to 20% of appraised value or sale price ...
Named for Bucknell's renowned literary alumnus and initiated in the fall of 1993, the Philip Roth Residence in Creative Writing offers up to four months of unfettered writing time for a writer working ...
Bucknell University employs more than 1,300 full-time staff and faculty members, with an average length of service of more than 10 years. Additionally, nearly half of our enrolled students work on ...
Everyone in the Bucknell community — students, faculty and staff — shares the responsibility of keeping the Bucknell community safe and healthy. On these pages you'll find detailed information about ...
Bucknell's multidisciplinary international relations major prepares you to make a difference on a global scale. Along with learning about the interconnected world, our students secure internships with ...