Cochrane's strength lies in its collaborative, global community. Cochrane Geographic Groups represent Cochrane in their host countries, advocate for the use of Cochrane evidence in health policy and ...
Contract Salary: £42,000 per annum Location: UK, Germany or Denmark – Remote/Flexible Closing date: 30 September 2024 ...
Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) is a cytokine. A cytokine is a small protein. TNF-a is involved in inflammation. Drugs such as infliximab, etanercept, and adalimumab inhibit TNF activity and ...
• Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation likely improves symptoms and quality of life and may improve exercise capacity (the maximum amount of physical effort a person can tolerate) in adults with ...
磷酸二酯酶5抑制剂似乎对1型肺动脉高压具有明显有益的疗效。在此次临床设计中,西地那非、他达拉非和伐地那非都是有效的,临床医生在选择开出哪种磷酸二酯酶5抑制剂处方时,应当考虑到每个个体的副作用情况。 虽然磷酸二酯酶5抑制剂在PH型左心脏病中的 ...
There are four well-designed studies randomising 823 children, which have demonstrated that there is no benefit of prolonging prednisone therapy beyond two to three months in the first episode of SSNS ...
If you found this evidence helpful, please consider donating to Cochrane. We are a charity that produces accessible evidence to help people make health and care decisions.
If you found this evidence helpful, please consider donating to Cochrane. We are a charity that produces accessible evidence to help people make health and care decisions.
If you found this evidence helpful, please consider donating to Cochrane. We are a charity that produces accessible evidence to help people make health and care decisions.
El tratamiento con MgSO₄ nebulizado podría tener beneficios adicionales modestos para la función pulmonar y el ingreso al hospital cuando se agregan a los agonistas β₂ inhalados y al bromuro de ...
Dans les contextes où le paludisme peut être dû aux infections à Plasmodium vivax ou à Plasmodium falciparum , les tests de diagnostic rapide (TDR) doivent distinguer l'espèce à l'origine des ...
Il n'existe actuellement pas de preuves sur lesquelles baser l'utilisation de la supplémentation en zinc pour la prévention du diabète de type 2. Les futurs essais devraient étudier des critères de ...