This week marks one year since Israel launched its assault on Gaza in response to the October 7th attacks on Israeli civilians. We unequivocally condemn all acts of violence against civilians, ...
The Green Party of Canada is deeply concerned by the recent deal struck between the City of Burnaby and Trans Mountain, which effectively silences the city’s public criticism of the controversial ...
We acknowledge that human beings are part of the natural world and we respect the specific values of all forms of life, including non-human species. We acknowledge the wisdom of the indigenous peoples ...
Join the Green Party of Canada and send your membership donation to this riding.
Join the Green Party of Canada and send your membership donation to this riding.
Join Elizabeth May and a team of SGI volunteers as they go door to ...
Four years ago, on September 23, 2020, the federal government made a bold promise to introduce a “new Canadian Disability Benefit modelled after the Guaranteed Income Supplement.” This program was ...
OTTAWA - Yesterday, both the federal and BC NDP abandoned even their hypocrisy on climate. The No-Discernible-Principles Party has reminded BC voters that it was the BC NDP who coined the slogan "Axe ...
OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is entering the upcoming parliamentary session with a strong, focused agenda to address key national issues, from environmental justice to housing affordability. The ...
OKA – Green Party of Canada Deputy Leader Rainbow Eyes attended a solidarity event in Oka on September 8, 2024, in support of the Kanesatake Mohawks and Land Defenders. The event, organized by a ...
OTTAWA - Hier, le NPD fédéral et son homologue provincial de la Colombie-Britannique ont dévoilé leur vrai visage en matière de climat. Le Parti sans principes a rappelé aux électeurs de la ...