Milloin viimeksi pysähdyit dinosauruksen jalkojen juureen tai kuuntelit yön ääniä Afrikan tähtitaivaan alla? 7 € Opiskelija tai lapsi 7–17 vuotta Olemme Museokortti-kohde. Eläkeläiset Työttömät Varus- ...
Viherterapian tarpeessa? Kaisaniemen ulkopuutarha ja kasvihuoneet tarjoavat ainutlaatuisia kasvielämyksiä ympäri vuoden. Huomioithan, että Helsingin kaupungin työmaa (Kaisaniemenpuiston peruskorjaus) ...
The University of Helsinki Doctoral School has 33 doctoral programmes. Doctoral study rights are applied to from the programmes. Study rights are applicable 2–5 times a year, depending on the doctoral ...
Biomedicum Imaging Unit (BIU) is a core facility that provides services for your biomedical optical imaging needs ranging from designing the experiment to analysis of the results. We are also part of ...
At the Faculty of Arts you can complete a degree in 6 Bachelor’s, 18 Master’s and 11 Doctoral programmes. The University of Helsinki scores highly in international comparisons of research and teaching ...
Tämä on Helsingin yliopisto Strategia, talous ja laatu Kestävyys ja vastuullisuus Ura ja avoimet työpaikat Ihmiset Arkistopalvelut ja kirjaamo Tietojen käsittely yliopistolla Vuokraa tila Tule ...
The Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety offers the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of drugs and their use. The study program combines ...
Translation and interpretation have a significant role in society. Translation and interpretation are essential for, among other things, language policy and linguistic rights, while translations have ...
Executive Committee: Jukka Jernvall (Chair), Annette Becker, Carlos Guerrero Bosagna, Sylvie Rétaux, Rainer Melzer, Tom Van Dooren, Gerd Mueller Programme Committee: Sylvie Rétaux (Chair), Annette ...
The station, located approximately an hour’s drive from Tampere, offers year-round services for research, course activities and other gatherings. Research topics at the station range from the depths ...
The acronym MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. Therefore, MOOCs are online courses which are open for everyone without limiting the number of students. MOOCs are typically available for a ...
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is Finland’s largest university department for mathematical sciences. Its multifaceted research has received the highest points in numerous assessments.