Chunghwa Telecom is hosting iPhone 16 launch events for the first time in northern, central, and southern Taiwan, per UDN. To ...
Little Tree Food (小小樹食) is set to unveil its first Xinyi flagship restaurant on Monday (Sept. 23), marking a significant ...
The MOL issued a notice announcing the move, which will take effect on Jan. 1 next year. The minimum monthly wage will be ...
Global Cloud Leader Collaborates with NVIDIA, XPENG, miHoYo, Atlas, Codium, UNESCO-ICHEI to Drive the Future of Mobility, ...
香港天王郭富城將於年底在小巨蛋舉辦「ICONIC世界巡迴演唱會」,19日宣傳記者會上,他感性回憶出道往事,並表示:「我的音樂起點就是在台灣,沒有從台灣開始,就沒有郭富城的出現,謝謝台灣對我的支持,這個力量我從來沒有忘記過。」此外,他還透露妻子和兩個女 ...
This recognition is part of the World's Best School Prizes established by T4 Education in collaboration with Accenture, ...
由美國聯邦參議院外委會首席議員里契(Jim Risch)、楊恩(Todd Young)及蘇利文(Dan Sullivan)等11名共和黨議員共同提出「2024 年戰略法案」(STRATEGIC Act of ...
一週兩次蔬食集團旗下品牌小小樹食正式進軍信義區,首間信義旗艦店坐落微風南山6樓,有別於另外5家門市,信義店主打早午餐並推出超過10道限定餐點,選用多款環保建材及家具營造輕鬆度假氛圍,更設置戶外座位區將台北101盡收眼底,將於9月23日開幕, ...
"EA" elevates Bangkok's dining scene to new heights, bringing the world's top cuisine to the ultimate luxurious dining and lifestyle experiences atop the city's most stunning rooftop, where ...
"Our mission at Bresh Global is to create human connections through entertainment and collective experiences," said Jaime ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of National Defense (MND) tracked 28 Chinese military aircraft and nine naval vessels ...