数据是有效组织决策的核心组成部分。如今,公司产生更多的数据—— 145 年将超过 2024 ZB– 通过社交媒体、物联网 (IoT) 来源和销售点 (POS) 系统等来源。 挑战是什么呢?将来自这些不同系统的数据汇编到一个统一的位置。 这就是数据集成的作用所在! 数据集成 ...
Data is the core component of effective organizational decision-making. Today, companies generate more data – over 145 zettabytes in 2024– through sources like social media, Internet-of-Things (IoT) ...
Mark Garczewski,产品副总裁 大脑公司是一位经验丰富的专业人士,拥有超过 15 年在工程、产品和设计领域担任最高领导职务的经验,这使他成为创造最高品质端到端产品解决方案的专家。Mark 是一位出色的合作者,喜欢在团队文化中工作,他拥有康涅狄格大学传播 ...
Alan Stewart-Brown 是 EMEA 副总裁,负责监督 EMEA 地区的所有销售、渠道开发、营销活动和 SE 活动。Alans 的主要工作是制定和执行销售策略、人才开发和渠道计划,以确保 Opengear 业务在整个地区的加速增长。Alan 拥有 25 年的销售领导经验,涉及技术领域,包括无线 ...
Pavlo Pikulin is the founder and CEO of Deus Robotics, which has developed an AI platform that connects and enhances the ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries worldwide and introducing new levels of innovation and efficiency. AI ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving faster than anyone could have imagined. From enhancing productivity to improving decision-making and creativity, AI in the workplace is no longer a futuristic ...
As autonomous vehicles (AVs) edge closer to widespread adoption, a significant challenge remains: bridging the communication ...
The pinnacle of image editing software. The first time I opened it, I felt both in awe and overwhelmed by its capabilities. I ...
The field of artificial intelligence is evolving at a breathtaking pace, with large language models (LLMs) leading the charge ...
The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to transform many aspects of business, and sales is no exception. AI's ...