9月20日,第九届“上海大学生公益广告大赛”评审会议在同济大学逸夫楼举行。来自复旦大学、上海大学、上海东方宣传教育服务中心(上海市公益广告协调中心)、上海市公益广告创新发展研究中心、上海易班发展中心、同济大学等单位的14位评委参加了此次评审,同济大学 ...
据悉,品尊国际位于普陀,目前主推260㎡三居室,近日该项目公布了最新价格约109800元/㎡。今天,小编就为大家带来该项目的 ...
he finally entered the gates of Tongji Medical College, studying pediatrics, becoming a model of his hometown and pride of his family. Through years of rigorous study, his head bowed in dedication to ...
China's largest annual industrial fair opened today at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), attracting 2,600 exhibitors from 28 countries and regions worldwide. The opening ...
The 2024 Head of Shanghai River Regatta will once again bring together international teams and rowers on the iconic Suzhou ...
2024年ITF国际网球巡回赛·福州站日前落下帷幕,北京中网泰尼斯签约球员渠依含、杨元程发挥出色,共摘得女单、女双、男双3个冠军。 女单赛场,渠依含作为3号种子出战,她在前4轮连胜4名中国球员晋级决赛。决赛中,面对晋级路上击败2、4、5号种子的黑马雷 ...
9月18日,国新办举行“推动高质量发展”系列主题新闻发布会。体育总局副局长、党组成员周进强及有关司局主要负责人出席发布会,介绍相关情况并回答记者提问。 周进强表示,党的十八大以来,总局系统深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,学习 ...