The 9163 process value indicator covers a wide range of applications in which process values need to be measured, displayed, analyzed and transferred to higher-level control systems. Typical ...
The 9163 process value indicator covers a wide range of applications in which process values need to be measured, displayed, analyzed and transferred to higher-level control systems. Typical ...
Featuresn Wide 8V to 45V input voltage range.n Fixed 5V output voltage.n Maximum 1.8A output current.n Fixed 150KHz switching frequency.n Internal optimize power MOSFET.n High efficiency up to 92%.n ...
比利牛斯山脉(Pyrenees)位于法国和西班牙之间,形成了这两个国家的自然边界。该山脉从大西洋延伸到地中海,拥有雄伟的山峰、深邃的峡谷和美丽的湖泊。比利牛斯山脉以其壮丽的自然景观、丰富的生物多样性和悠久的历史文化吸引了众多游客。这里不仅适合徒步旅行 ...
近日,上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院微纳电子学系杨志团队在便携式无线传感领域取得重要进展,相关研究成果以“Wide-range and high-accuracy wireless sensor with self-humidity compensation for real-time ammonia monitoring(用于实时氨气监测的具有湿度自补偿功能的宽量程和 ...
At a dance studio in Beijing, B-Girl Wang Yufan moved effortlessly to a pulsating beat, her fluid movements and sharp spins ...